• Insist on a work plan from the consultant
  • Give the consultant sufficient information to get them up to speed. Help the consultant to understand your organization more fully, i.e., your services, culture, history, key players
  • Request that the consultant provide progress reports on the project as follows:
    • Outlining the methodology used
    • Presenting interim findings and/or progress to date
    • Compiling (one or more) preliminary reports
    • Final report and evaluation
  • Communicate clearly and regularly with the consultant to provide feedback and review timetables and responsibilities
  • Establish a process for any necessary changes in the scope of the project
  • Stay engaged and maintain control over the process and product
  • Don’t wait to address concerns or problems that may arise
  • If you're unclear, or not pleased with the work in progress, ask for a meeting to address the situation. Discuss your previously agreed-upon objectives, the work to date and issues/ problems. Reach consensus on how to proceed from there
  • Promptly pay the consultant's invoices when you receive them.
  • Evaluate the results of the consultant's work
    • Input - What did your organization put into the consulting relationship?
    • Process - What is the relationship between the organization and the consultant?
    • Output - Did we accomplish what we set out to accomplish?
    • Outcomes - Did the work help us move toward the agency's long-range goals?
  • Hold a final debriefing to discuss the results of the project
  • The client should be on time and prepared for meetings as the clock is ticking